The Allocation 2.0 programme has been launched within the energy sector. Allocation 2.0 ensures that we can measure energy consumption ever more accurately. From 2023 onwards, this method of allocation will fundamentally change the Dutch energy market. PVNED and zelospark are therefore joining forces to develop a future-proof BRP platform. With this collaboration we promote the energy transition and optimise the energy market for the integration of renewable energy.
Energy transition means not only the transition from fossil fuel energy to fully green energy and from centralised to decentralised generation. It also means the transition to more, new and more complex data flows. To this end, the Allocation 2.0 programme has been launched within the energy sector. PVNED’s and zelospark’s new BRP platform has been optimised for big data and Allocation 2.0 and is therefore fully geared to the new Dutch energy market.
PVNED offers smart solutions for the energy market of the future. With our years of experience in the Dutch energy market, we are one of the largest national players as a Program Manager (BRP). Within the Netherlands, PVNED is one of the first commercial market parties in the energy sector to be qualified for Allocation 2.0 Tranche 1. We have the right expertise to serve producers, suppliers, large consumers and grid operators with our BRP services.
zelospark is accelerating the energy transition with a focus on sustainable, affordable and reliable energy. zelospark has developed the byNeuron ENERGY cloud platform for this purpose. This platform helps energy service companies to set up sustainable products and to invoice them. The byNeuron ENERGY cloud platform optimises the process from meter data to insight and from consumption to invoicing. It also supports the customer journey from the quotation process to a customer who is satisfied with the end result.
By combining the expertise of PVNED with zelospark’s byNeuron ENERGY cloud platform, we are developing a future-proof BRP platform that is suitable for Allocation 2.0. Would you like to know more about this partnership and the BRP platform? Then get in touch with us.